Thursday, June 27, 2013

Norah's lady bug release

I love that it is so easy to know exactly what Norah loves, babies, princesses and bugs!  Yes bugs!  She will pick up an bug and just let it crawl all over her, she will talk to it and gently or not so gently usually squish it to death.

Recently Norah got a lady bug house from her Grandma Phoebe.  Needless to say, Brett had the lady bug larva ordered immediately because we knew how much Norah would love it!

The lady bug larva arrived just in time for Grammys visit and she was able to help take charge, which was so great because she is a bug specialist!  And ewww I am not!

 We got to see the larva form, then cocoon and then turn ino lady bugs (how come I never knew they did all of this? oh I don't like bugs).  Norah loved it and would ask to see them each day and she would usually shake the house...eeeekk
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but we couldn't let them stay in the house forever and had to release them.  It was bitter/sweet as Norah had to part with them.  She just so badly want to watch them one more time. plus there was
mold starting to grow in the lady bug house.

Lady bug release!
p.s. my husband has a Mohawk, a mustache, a gotee & side burns right now.... I don't know what is going on either
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I just love this photo of Norah, she is so happy!
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goodbye lady bugs

Monday, June 24, 2013


Sometimes there are times in life that you just need to get away

to be free of chaos

to finish a meal

to enjoy the laughter of others

to get to know someone and their story a little better

to appreciate those you have known for a long time
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to be thankful for the generosity of others

to gain knowledge from one of the best mama's around

to simply, have fun 

and enjoy one another

  to have a few moments with that special baby boy growing in my belly

and really to enjoy one of God's most amazing creations DSC_0061 

Florida 2013 with Pinecreek Dental

Monday, June 17, 2013

the june haps

anddddd the busy-ness continues!  My parents are in town visiting, with my nephew also.   Part of the reason they came in town is so they can help watch the girls so I can go on a trip to Florida!  Yep, that's right, Florida without the kids, and without Brett..... sad.  I will be going with work.  And I am really looking forward to the trip, time with the ladies I work with and a bit of quite time to myself, on the beach, just me and that little man growing in my belly.

What we have been up to

Watching a fire blowup outside of our home
Black Forest Fire 07
502 homes burned, but the fire is under control, 75% contained, praise the Lord!

while eating  popsicles in the pool
(seriously one side the sky was beautiful and blue like nothing was happening, the other was a fire storm)

 swimming, lots of it
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time with the cousin

more popsicles
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boots and diapers

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love my princess hiker
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my girls (and boy)

one of my favorite photos, Sarah doesn't care about being in the photo she just wants to be with mama

 Grammy is just going to have to take the photo paintmines1

time dressing up poppy

the zoo
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and tomorrow I am off on a plane!