Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Court for Norah and Introducing the Sarah Eileen Colllection

We had our first court hearing on the custody of Norah yesterday, it went well!  I didn't understand half of what was said, but our lawyer said it went well.  Brett and I have to take a class through the court about broken families and we also have to fill out more paperwork.  In 30 to 45 days we will have another hearing letting us know if we will have official custody of Norah (adoption doesn't come until next year).  From the way things have been going, (the judge being very strict on everything) Brett and I have decided that we will be doing a Home Study (a 12 weeks study/investigation of us and our home).  This is very expensive, but will help the judge better evaluate if we will be good parents for Norah.  That is part of the reason I am rolling out more headbands, because we will have more expenses.  Thank you so much everyone for all of your prayers and support, we have continually been surrounded by so much love!

Alright folks, here are my newest headbands!  They were inspired by Carrisa and baby Sarah, so they are made for infants, babies, and toddlers.
They are very simple, but super cute!  All of the proceeds will go to our adoption fund for Norah.  Check out this precious tiny baby girl Sophia modeling one of the headbands



All you need to do is go here to my Etsy shop to purchase one, I really only have one or two of each right now, so if you like one, don't wait to buy it!  If I have a lot more requests I will definitely make more!

Introducing the Sarah Eileen Collection

These 2 are specifically for infants, like baby Sophia

Slightly Larger for Baby and Toddler (could be a little big on an infants head)

My 2 Favorites!

What baby wouldn't look cute wearing these?

This next set is smaller flowers made with a skinny elastic, they can fit infants all the way up to toddlers!

Don't forget to tell others!


  1. Love love love! Can't wait to shop shop shop tomorrow! April N

  2. That orb with the flowers looks like a girly Death Star from Star Wars!


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