Wednesday, May 30, 2012

on Norah being 3


It is strange to enter this time frame, of us having Norah almost longer than my sister did.  Carrisa only had her for 18 short months. And now Norah is 3.  It seems sooo long ago to think back to the time when Norah was my niece, it seems like another planet.  She is so well integrated into our family now, it is like we have always had her.  Yet we haven't, and I often find myself thinking back to Norah's baby days, especially since we have Sarah now.  I am always wondering what Norah was like, when her little personality developed, what foods she despised, when she said "mama", when she crawled and every other tiny thing that you love  and remember about babies. 

I love anticipating what Sarah will be like, what she will look like when she is older, who she will become and I feel so sad that Carrisa really never got to fully see that with Norah, she just got such a small glimpse. I really wish I could have been in Carrisa's world a little more, seen her in action as a mama, watched her love, truly love.

I miss her. Everyday.

Norah is such a goof ball.  The comedian.  A great middle sister.  It was like the Lord knew she was suppose to be a middle child even though she was a first born.


Norah is not always easy and will probably give me grey hair, but I am so thankful for her, she has taught me so much.  She has taught me what love really means, when it doesn't always feel easy, when it isn't always easy.  Love is patient, love it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always preservers

I feel very fortunate to have known Norah her whole life, have photos of her as a baby, I know so many mothers who have adopted and have none of that. However, I will always mourn that Carrisa is not Norahs mother now and I will also mourn that I never truly knew Norah as a baby.  Sometimes things just aren't fair, but that is just the way they are. DSC_0117


  1. What a beautiful little lady!!! :) She surely isn't a little baby anymore. :( But boy, what a beautiful little girl she's grown up to be! I remember she didn't like beans for a long time, just like Carrisa. She loved CHEESE just like Carrisa. :) I mostly saw her feed her Spaghetti. Carrisa used to text me every time Norah saw the doctor with her height, weight, percentiles, etc. I wish I had kept those. Do you know if she had a baby book for her? I'm trying to write all of those little things down for Emilee but it's hard to remember sometimes.

    Love you all so much. Norah looks so perfect in your family, right in the middle of your two other sweetie-pies. She is SUCH a beautiful girllll111! (I know I always say this, and it's probably getting old, but I wish we all lived closer to each other!!!) :) :) :)

  2. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures and your insights. What blessings God has provided.


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