Monday, March 3, 2014

To answer your questions

 I just want to answer a few questions and clear up some misconceptions.  So many of you have had questions, and great ones too, keep them coming!
(I promise blog won't turn into all about diabetes, it still "life with the Goodlins", this is just what is going on in our lives right now)

Ok for the questions here we go:

1. Did you give Norah to much sugar as a toddler, is that why she has diabetes?  
(Although no one has asked me this question I know it has run through some peoples  minds.)
Diabetes type 1 does NOT come from eating to much sugar.  In fact diabetes type 1 and 2 should have different names, because they are VERY different!  Type 1 is autoimmune, with no known cause, it requires daily insulin for survival, diet and exercise can help (just like for anyone) but they do NOT make Norah's diabetes ever go away.  Diabetes type 2 is more lifestyle induced and can really be controlled with diet and exercise, it can even go away. 
Diabetes type 1 cannot go away, ever. 
Make sense?

2.  Is diabetes in our family?
No, it is not really at all.  Not on our side, not on Norah's biological side, nothing.  Because type 1 diabetes can be hereditary this is the first question we were asked, but it is not in our family.  

3.  If it's not in your family, how did Norah get it?  
That is a great question.  Some people are just genetically predispositioned for diabetes type 1 and something triggers it, whether it be something environmental, chemical or viral.  We really don't know.  But what I do know is that Norah got a pretty bad virus in Decemeber and ever since then she wasn't quite the same.  The Dr.s can look back at her blood work and see that the diabetes started around 2 months ago, which would correlate with when she got the Virus.  It is not a particular or certain virus that can trigger diabetes 1, it is just any virus because it drops the immune system drops.  This is only an assumption, of course. But if you ask anyone with diabetes type 1 there was usually a virus just slightly prior to the start of their diabetes.  Norah's was slow onset, so her symptoms weren't even noticed until late January.

4.  Did Carrisa's (Norah's biological mom) illness as a child have any correlation with this?  
Carrisa did have an autoimmune disease called Kawasaki disease, totally unrelated and not at all in the same family as diabetes.  She did get sick at age 3 (so not to far off from Norahs current age), so it is very strange and heartbreaking to see something similar going on with Norah.....  I have read a few articles that have said that just having an autoimmune disease of any kind can pre-dispoition another family member to any autoimmune disease, but I don't know if there is any really basis to this and it is pretty far fetched. So to answer the question, I don't think Carrisa's Kawasaki disease has anything to do with Norah getting diabetes.

 5. Norah will be tested for Celiac disease and thyroid disease because they are in the same autoimmune family as diabetes

6.  I heard that there might be a cure for diabetes by taking a homeopathic regime of things, is this true? 
There is no cure, no diet, no magic vitamin, no cinnamon stick that Norah can take that will make the diabetes go away.  It doesn't mean some of these things can't help, but she will still need to take insulin for survival.

7.  Can Norah get one of those insulin pumps, I heard those make life easier without as many shots?  I've heard that too, and she will be evaluated in April for one, and it is totally based on patient compliance.  So it just depends on Norah, and how she will do with it, oh and insurance.  I'm sure you can all imagine what the price tag of an insulin pump might be, let's just say Norah will be getting her "car" a lot earlier than I would have ever expected.

8. Will you  be tested or have your other children test for diabetes?
No, not unless weshow some kind of symptoms.  
Since we are biogical aunt and cousins there really isn't a need for us to be tested.

9.  So can Norah ever have cake again? 
 Yes, as long as it doesn't have poison :O)
Norah can still eat most things, just in moderation, and great balance, and every bite has to be counted.  Birthday parties and big events are going to be very difficult for us to navigate, especially at first because Norah can't just have a bite when she wants.  It will have to be very thought-out out and planned.  But please, still invite Norah to those events because although they will be hard at first, what would be harder is for Norah not be included anymore.

10. Is there anything Norah can't eat?
Yes & No.
 Norah basically can't have anything that is liquid sugar: like juice, syrup (not even real maple syrup), honey, agave nector, anything liquid sugar, because it enters her blood stream so quickly and will make her blood sugar level go sky high (which is very dangerous).  
The exception is when Norah's blood sugar is low, then we want to give her a little juice or liquid sugar to give her a quick rise in her blood sugar so she doesn't have a seizure or go unconscious.

There is much for this sweet girl to learn. 
Our week has been filled with a lot of "no's" so I am doing my best to say "yes" whenever I can!


If you have any other questions please feel free to ask!


  1. Thank you for taking the time to blog all of this. It helps us all know how to pray. I appreciate the updates as I am praying for you all daily. How is Norah handling all this since coming home? I can only imagine this is a super hard transition with other siblings close in age who are not having to deal with all poor little Norah is. Is there a specific way you would like us to pray?

  2. I had a friend in grade school who had Type 1, and I thought it was cool that she got special "sugar-free" treats at her house. :) Sometimes she would get to eat a cookie at school when no one else did. Praying that Norah adjusts to these changes quickly and for grace for you!

  3. If she qualifies for a pump, you should really start a Go Fund Me page.I know plenty of us would like to help offset that cost.

  4. Okay, so I have a questions, which might be kind of silly - I remember a post a while back where Norah had to get glasses? Does that have anything to do with her diabetes diagnosis? It seems like I've heard before that diabetes and blurred vision can be related . . .

    1. Callie, great question! Having blurry vision is a symptom of diabetes. However, I think Norah needing glasses is unrelated to the diabetes for 2 reasons. First, she needed the glasses well before we believe she got diabetes, and 2nd because she was diagnosed with an astigmatism and her bio father has the same thing and wears glasses. Of course we will still have her eyes checked to make sure, but I think the diabetes and glasses are two separate things


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