Little Sarah Bug is 2 months old now!! She is just as cute as ever and growing tons
I am not sure how much you weight now, but at your 1 month check up you were almost 10lbs, so I imagine you are close to 12lbs now!
You are very long (90th %) and are wearing 3 month old jammies already!
You are very easy and very predictable.
You still have all of your dark hair although the roots are getting blond
You still have all of your dark hair although the roots are getting blond
You smile All the time, you even giggle!
You already sleep through the night.
We have lots of little nicknames for you: princess, bug, cheeks, squisher, squarballs
can you see why we call her cheeks?
You still love to play, kick, and squeal under this
You still look like your daddy
and your sisters still adore you
Here is Maya at 2 months
and Sarah at 2 months
I think they look similar
Sarah's Monthy Progression
Oh, she's so cute! Do you think her hair will stay dark or turn blonde?