Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pay it Forward Winners!


 I loved hearing your stories!  They were so encouraging and inspiring!  There are 4 of you that won a $5 gift card!  Check it out.  If your name is listed below please email me at with your name and address so I can mail you the gift card!

 "Your story about when you were a waitress made me cry! That is just awesome! What a great idea! Love it."

 "When we first got the girls, money was pretty tight. We weren't expecting two children out of the blue and definitely was not prepared with diapers for both of them and formula for P. I had cloth diapered Aiden but I only had 12 diapers as he was a toddler when we switched to cloth and I didn't need a whole lot. It wasn't enough to diaper both girls who were still in diapers. I wrote a blog post asking friends where I could find the cheapest possible diapers that were of good quality. My blog friend Amanda (whom I have never even met but love her dearly!) read the post and secretly arranged for some of her and my blog readers to get together and send me a care package. It arrived one day and I had absolutely no idea what it was. I opened it up and there were over 16 diapers, a ton of wipes, and a $20 gift card to a diaper boutique. They also included such a beautiful letter praising Joe and I for taking in the girls and telling me how much it meant to them to do this for us. I couldn't read it without crying and now even typing this, the tears are flowing again. I know first hand what it's like to receive an unexpected gift and it's such a great feeling! I love your waitress story and it made me smile!"

 "When Lance was born I had one of those spinal headaches. My head was pounding and I had never had so much pain in my life. The C-section didn't even compare on the pain scale. A nurse had heard about my headaches on the hospital floor. She was OFF of her shift for the night and did not even work in that wing of the hospital. She offered to give me a neck massage and upper shoulder massage to relieve my pain.
I was so shocked that a stranger would give her free time to me. This nurse went beyond her job requirements that night and even though that was over 28 years ago, I'm pretty sure that was the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for me in my hour of need."

"Long time reader - First time poster here! I love this idea. Been wanting to do something like this but never get my act together. Also struggling myself making ends meet - I know how the help from people can go so far and turn things around for them. Huge fan of your blog! Thanks as always for the inspiration!"

I can't wait to hear how you used the gift cards!!


  1. Your above winners are precious to share their stories. Yes, I also am a big fan of your blog and I also would love to hear how the gift cards are used. God bless you each one.

  2. I am so excited I won! Can't wait to pay it forward and share with you guys!


I love hearing from you, it always makes my day!