Friday, September 9, 2011

date with Norah and Kid sister

I have been trying to spend a little bit of "Separate" time with each of the girls before baby comes.  Time with Norah doesn't come quite as easy, her age limits many activities and she always wants to be with Grammy and/or Maya.  So one afternoon while Maya was sleeping I stole Norah away, but it wasn't alone.  She H.A.D to bring her baby with her!  We had a blast!  We went to the grocery store,

baby in hand

We went and got a treat (cookie) at Starbucks,

with baby


and mommy too
kid sister3

and then we went to the park

with baby of course




Norah kind of looks like her baby even......

Norah has a baby in her hand almost non-stop! She is obsessed with babies, but also tends to bang them around, be rough, step on them and drop them. Every night she sleeps with her baby, she also brings baby in the car, and baby has even been known to have meal time with the family. I am glad she has had something she can attach too, and I am hoping she loves baby Sarah just as much!

I loved the afternoon with Norah, it was very fun and special, I treasure these times!


  1. She is soooo adorable! I'm glad you got some time together! Sarah is going to be here so soon! :) Nory will be such a good big sis to Sarah. You just might have to remind her to "be gentle" every 30 seconds for a while (haha, that's what we had to do with Joey). Norah is so beautiful in these pics. I MISS HER! :) Love you guys!

    Love, Aunt Lynds

  2. So sweet! She does look like a doll.


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